Limited Only By My Imagination

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Wishing and hoping...

Came here to post, but don't really know what to say. Want to tell You how i feel, but right now i don't think that is a very good idea. We've been here before and we got through it. i just thought we could avoid coming back. But, here we are... It'll be fine....


Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Question: How, if at all, does your viewpoint differ from this?


The following link is to a 'sicko' marriage contract:

Two comments:
1. How did the wife not know about this guy's tendencies ahead of time?
2. Is it just me, or is he actually not all that demanding? I mean, ... if it were you and Me, ... well ... let's just say I envision something that would make this seem tame (or, dare I say it, 'normal'?), although I'm having doubts about the 24/7 aspect considering how well things have been going for us lately with you not constantly worried about being 'submissive'. But in terms of the actual demands, I just don't see the problem, so long as they both agree to it.

Your thoughts?