Wishing and hoping...
Came here to post, but don't really know what to say. Want to tell You how i feel, but right now i don't think that is a very good idea. We've been here before and we got through it. i just thought we could avoid coming back. But, here we are... It'll be fine....
I hope that's true. I know it is for Me. Yes, it's been a crappy couple of days. As always, I'm not proud or happy about it. I also don't think I should say everything I'm feeling right now, although possibly for different reasons -- I suspect your feelings are probably an appropriate reaction to My behavior, while I know that My feelings are inappropriate under any sane guidelines. I think I'm feeling better, but I guess we'll see in the morning. I really want to start fresh. you know what I mean?
Any chance of that?
Frederick, at 9:53 PM
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