A Difficult Situation
It was very difficult for Me to sit next to you through lunch and not put my hands on you. I'm having a little trouble reading you today and I don't know where your head is, but I want you to know I am craving you intensely. I need to feel your skin under my fingers and your lips against mine.
Just thought you should know.
Just thought you should know.
i am sorry for being moody. i feel, and have been feeling, needy. Like i want to wrap myself in You and sleep, breathing in rhythm with You, having Your arms hold me tight. i want Your mouth gently (lips only) and forcefully (your tongue thrusting into my mouth as if it owns it because it does). i want to FEEL like i am Yours today and always.
Anastasia, at 2:06 PM
p.s. Okay. you're right that I had "forgotten" about the instruction I gave you for lunch. I remembered it at the time you told Me you were going onto your conference call, but it slipped my mind afterwards. On the other hand, I'm sure (at least subconsciously) that it had something to do with why I felt more turned on by you during lunch than usual (if that's even possible).
I wish there had been more I could've done to show you, but I badly wanted to control you from the moment you came to get Me for lunch until the moment we seperated to use the restrooms - and continuing to this very moment! I had to touch you as we walked down the stairs. I wanted to lead you through the restaurant with my hand on your back, but knew I couldn't. I told you to sit first in the booth, which was a small but intentional act that I hope you noticed. I appreciated your consulting Me on your lunch choice and wish it hadn't become a community discussion. I was keenly aware of your presence next to Me, and I felt you were mine. I hope you felt the same.
I don't know when or where, but I need some time alone with you today.
Frederick, at 2:09 PM
Let's make time because i need it too.
Anastasia, at 2:43 PM
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