my Head...
is completely screwed on wrong today. i fully intended to have today be a GREAT day. i was sooo excited to see You and to touch You and to taste You, but it is like i am living 2 different people's lives today, one in my head and one in real life. Thank You for being so tolerant.
You know when You were talking about the other night, what was running through my head (instead of how wonder ful and amazing it was) was, "Do You touch her the same way? Do You suck her nipples the same way You suck mine? You are so talented at it and know just how to maneuver Your tongue on me, so does that come from practice, or is it somehow special with me? Do You finger her ass and bend her over to take what You want from her from behind? Do You ever think about spanking her, making her ass bright red with your handprints? Do You ever grab her head and make her suck your cock, making her swallow every last drop of Your cum? Do You ever pinch her nipples to get them hard and get her wet?
If given the opportunity (in a perfect world), would You want to have both of us taking care of Your every need? If not both of us, would You want me to bring someone else to You? Do You want someone else's mouth on Your cock while mine is on Your mouth and vice versa? Do You want Your cock in someone else's pussy while You are licking mine or do You want to be inside my pussy while licking hers? Do You want to taste someone else? Do You want to order me to sit and watch You fuck someone else and just accept that there is no 'love' involved there?"
Today, like most days, but significantly more today, i want You all to myself and i want to give myself completely to You. i can't explain why i am so affected today. i know Your theory, but i don't know if that is what is going on or not.
i trust You completely to give me what i need, even if i don't know what it is. i trust that you own me and only me, and know You trust that i belong to You and only You. i also know that this is completely unfair because there is the flipside of the coin...the side that details my life. But, i don't want to think about that side. What i want to do is run away with You. (i know, i know completely impractical and suicidal at this point, but it is what i want in this moment.)
I belong to You Frederick, only You, and i don't want to belong to anyone else.
You know when You were talking about the other night, what was running through my head (instead of how wonder ful and amazing it was) was, "Do You touch her the same way? Do You suck her nipples the same way You suck mine? You are so talented at it and know just how to maneuver Your tongue on me, so does that come from practice, or is it somehow special with me? Do You finger her ass and bend her over to take what You want from her from behind? Do You ever think about spanking her, making her ass bright red with your handprints? Do You ever grab her head and make her suck your cock, making her swallow every last drop of Your cum? Do You ever pinch her nipples to get them hard and get her wet?
If given the opportunity (in a perfect world), would You want to have both of us taking care of Your every need? If not both of us, would You want me to bring someone else to You? Do You want someone else's mouth on Your cock while mine is on Your mouth and vice versa? Do You want Your cock in someone else's pussy while You are licking mine or do You want to be inside my pussy while licking hers? Do You want to taste someone else? Do You want to order me to sit and watch You fuck someone else and just accept that there is no 'love' involved there?"
Today, like most days, but significantly more today, i want You all to myself and i want to give myself completely to You. i can't explain why i am so affected today. i know Your theory, but i don't know if that is what is going on or not.
i trust You completely to give me what i need, even if i don't know what it is. i trust that you own me and only me, and know You trust that i belong to You and only You. i also know that this is completely unfair because there is the flipside of the coin...the side that details my life. But, i don't want to think about that side. What i want to do is run away with You. (i know, i know completely impractical and suicidal at this point, but it is what i want in this moment.)
I belong to You Frederick, only You, and i don't want to belong to anyone else.
I do not have what I have with you with anyone else. That includes everything you wrote. There is nothing about what I do with her that compares to us. It is sterile and passionless.
Am I enough of an egomaniac to imagine having more than one woman in My bed? Yes. Yes, I am. The thing is ... I want both of them to be you.
Anyway, I want to run away with you, too, but we both know better. I know you don't want to think about the 'flipside', but it is there. In the meantime, however, I still own you and you still belong to Me. And, that will have to get us through another day.
Frederick, at 3:21 PM
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