i know it doesn't really matter what i want, but i WANT You!!! More accurately, i NEED You. i need to feel Your hands on my body, the body You possess; your tongue in my mouth, tasting me, while i taste You.
Oh, but it does matter what you want. Don't misunderstand me; wanting something doesn't mean you'll get it - not even if you say you 'need' it. On the other hand, though, I'd be very disappointed if you didn't want certain things. In fact, My strong belief that you do want certain things is part of what makes Me want you to have them. I need you to want Me, and I am fulfilled by satisfying your desires.
Boy, that looks like an Army advertisement doesn't it? Just an afterthought...
Are You implying that i am not going to 'get it' today. Should i lower my hopes? i really need You to 'give it to me' today, however You feel is appropriate. Tongue, hand, fingers, cock, feet, toes, nose...
you should always have high hopes and reasonable expectations. How about you go ahead and let Me know what you want and need, and then trust Me to take care of everything, hmm? Frankly, I'm feeling my oats a bit today, and if you don't trust Me and can't relax and let Me call the shots, then what the hell am I doing here?
Oh, i don't know. It is like we are on a rollercoaster and as we are ascending to the top of the hill i get butterflies in my stomach and wonder if the ride is going to be too scary or if it is all going to be worth it. i know it is a thrilling ride and i never want it to stop, but then we hit a particularily scary patch of track and when we come out of it i still feel a little on edge (whoozy i guess), wondering if i lean the wrong way if the car is going to come off the track. Ultimately we always arive back safely and together.
Are there moments that i do not trust You? Truthfully no. i do trust You. Are there moments that i am afraid of You and Your moods? Truthfully yes. But, not because i don't trust You. Because i don't want to lose You and that is always a possibility. Because i am afraid that i won't please You. Because i'm afraid that You are going to realize that i am not worth it.
you should re-read these comments, particularly your last one, if you want to know who is questioning whether one of us (or 'us', in general) is "worth it." ("... i get butterflies in my stomach and wonder if the ride is going to be too scary or if it is all going to be worth it.") Makes Me wonder if you're really sure you want the reality (of My rollercoaster), or just think you want the fantasy (although I don't exactly see Myself as a "fantasy guy"). Maybe, someday, you'll realize I'm not worth the trouble. you, on the other hand, are no trouble at all.
Gosh, jump on a girl for making an analogy (maybe a bad one). my point was merely that sometimes i am afraid to relax because that response gets exactly the wrong type of reaction from You. Not to mention the fact that it is hard for me to relax when recovering from a 'down' period.
i do trust You and want You to call the shots and i completely see You as a 'fantasy guy'. i wish You would see yourself that way. Instead You think i set my expectations too high where You are concerned. i think my expectations are perfect because you meet them everytime. Maybe in Your own timing, but You meet them. You have already made so many of my fantasies come true. You have treated me the way i have always wanted to be treated, only didn't know i wanted to be treated that way. my true pleasure comes when You are holding me in Your arms and i get to breathe Your breath and taste Your taste. my second true pleasure comes when You are spanking my ass.
However, it is frustrating that we can not get on the same page and stay there for more than 15 minutes. i was just teasing in my first comment to Your comment. And now it has blown into this big thing. Why???
BTW - Your comment of "if you don't trust Me and can't relax and let Me call the shots, then what the hell am I doing here?" was encouraging...(sarcastic tone intended and dropped)
Anyway, i do want You, rollercoaster and all, only i'd like to get used to the rollercoaster part. :)
And, even if you were any trouble, the sex would more than make up for it. Can't say the same for Me, though. I know I'm a lot of trouble, and I'm sure the sex does not make up for it.
(Damn! Can't quite seem to break My habit of being self-critical and self-deprecating. I'll try again in 15 minutes after My next mood swing.)
My 15 minutes must be up, or all this writing has made Me feel better (wanna test that theory?). In any case, I'm feeling very well, now.
As for your first comment being 'teasing', I think it's another case of not coming across in writing the way we intend. Based on past experience, I took your question about lowering your hopes seriously. On the flipside, My comment about 'Why am I here if you can't relax and let Me call the shots' actually was intended to be encouraging (despite your sarcasm). I intended it to imply the opposite of what I wrote. That, because I am here, you should just let Me take care of you. That's why I prefaced it by saying I was feeling My oats. I guess that didn't come across.
Anyway, I'm sure we'll both feel much better as soon as I can touch you. I mean really touch you.
Welcome to a blog limited only by my imagination. You should not expect anything here to correspond with reality -- although it might, and you'd never be the wiser.
Oh, but it does matter what you want. Don't misunderstand me; wanting something doesn't mean you'll get it - not even if you say you 'need' it. On the other hand, though, I'd be very disappointed if you didn't want certain things. In fact, My strong belief that you do want certain things is part of what makes Me want you to have them. I need you to want Me, and I am fulfilled by satisfying your desires.
Frederick, at 2:09 PM
Boy, that looks like an Army advertisement doesn't it? Just an afterthought...
Are You implying that i am not going to 'get it' today. Should i lower my hopes? i really need You to 'give it to me' today, however You feel is appropriate. Tongue, hand, fingers, cock, feet, toes, nose...
Anastasia, at 3:17 PM
you should always have high hopes and reasonable expectations. How about you go ahead and let Me know what you want and need, and then trust Me to take care of everything, hmm? Frankly, I'm feeling my oats a bit today, and if you don't trust Me and can't relax and let Me call the shots, then what the hell am I doing here?
Frederick, at 3:42 PM
Oh, i don't know. It is like we are on a rollercoaster and as we are ascending to the top of the hill i get butterflies in my stomach and wonder if the ride is going to be too scary or if it is all going to be worth it. i know it is a thrilling ride and i never want it to stop, but then we hit a particularily scary patch of track and when we come out of it i still feel a little on edge (whoozy i guess), wondering if i lean the wrong way if the car is going to come off the track. Ultimately we always arive back safely and together.
Are there moments that i do not trust You? Truthfully no. i do trust You. Are there moments that i am afraid of You and Your moods? Truthfully yes. But, not because i don't trust You. Because i don't want to lose You and that is always a possibility. Because i am afraid that i won't please You. Because i'm afraid that You are going to realize that i am not worth it.
Anastasia, at 4:06 PM
you should re-read these comments, particularly your last one, if you want to know who is questioning whether one of us (or 'us', in general) is "worth it." ("... i get butterflies in my stomach and wonder if the ride is going to be too scary or if it is all going to be worth it.") Makes Me wonder if you're really sure you want the reality (of My rollercoaster), or just think you want the fantasy (although I don't exactly see Myself as a "fantasy guy"). Maybe, someday, you'll realize I'm not worth the trouble. you, on the other hand, are no trouble at all.
Frederick, at 4:28 PM
Gosh, jump on a girl for making an analogy (maybe a bad one). my point was merely that sometimes i am afraid to relax because that response gets exactly the wrong type of reaction from You. Not to mention the fact that it is hard for me to relax when recovering from a 'down' period.
i do trust You and want You to call the shots and i completely see You as a 'fantasy guy'. i wish You would see yourself that way. Instead You think i set my expectations too high where You are concerned. i think my expectations are perfect because you meet them everytime. Maybe in Your own timing, but You meet them. You have already made so many of my fantasies come true. You have treated me the way i have always wanted to be treated, only didn't know i wanted to be treated that way. my true pleasure comes when You are holding me in Your arms and i get to breathe Your breath and taste Your taste. my second true pleasure comes when You are spanking my ass.
However, it is frustrating that we can not get on the same page and stay there for more than 15 minutes. i was just teasing in my first comment to Your comment. And now it has blown into this big thing. Why???
BTW - Your comment of "if you don't trust Me and can't relax and let Me call the shots, then what the hell am I doing here?" was encouraging...(sarcastic tone intended and dropped)
Anyway, i do want You, rollercoaster and all, only i'd like to get used to the rollercoaster part. :)
Anastasia, at 4:52 PM
And, even if you were any trouble, the sex would more than make up for it. Can't say the same for Me, though. I know I'm a lot of trouble, and I'm sure the sex does not make up for it.
(Damn! Can't quite seem to break My habit of being self-critical and self-deprecating. I'll try again in 15 minutes after My next mood swing.)
Frederick, at 4:55 PM
How 'bout now?
Anastasia, at 4:59 PM
too early?
Anastasia, at 5:00 PM
My 15 minutes must be up, or all this writing has made Me feel better (wanna test that theory?). In any case, I'm feeling very well, now.
As for your first comment being 'teasing', I think it's another case of not coming across in writing the way we intend. Based on past experience, I took your question about lowering your hopes seriously. On the flipside, My comment about 'Why am I here if you can't relax and let Me call the shots' actually was intended to be encouraging (despite your sarcasm). I intended it to imply the opposite of what I wrote. That, because I am here, you should just let Me take care of you. That's why I prefaced it by saying I was feeling My oats. I guess that didn't come across.
Anyway, I'm sure we'll both feel much better as soon as I can touch you. I mean really touch you.
Frederick, at 5:10 PM
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