As they danced, He watched her move, and He couldn't take His eyes off her. she looked so happy and so natural out there. she looked like the complete physical manifestation of music and sexuality, all rolled up into one gorgeous woman.
her eyes sparkled as she looked at Him, thankful for allowing her this experience. she looked into His eyes and He felt as if there was noone else in that crowded room. It was in His mind, as it should be, just the two of them.
He was torn between wanting to stay with her there on the dance floor, as close to her as possible, and wanting to stand back and watch her shine with a dance partner that could keep up with her and let her really cut loose. He wanted to stand back where He could watch those beautiful legs move and those hips sway to the beat of the music, but He couldn't choke down the jealousy He had at the mere thought of someone being this close to her while she was experiencing such joy. He realized how much she would have loved dancing with a more experienced partner, but He just couldn't stand the thought - not even to make her happy. It wasn't about her wanting another man; that thought never even crossed His mind (regardless of how many times she had said women assume a good dancer will also be good in bed). Any dance partner would be no more than a prop for her temporary use and enjoyment. she was completely His, however, and part of being His meant He owned this happiness. It was His, and He refused to allow anyone else near her while she felt this strongly. He wanted to share it with her exclusively.
she smiled the sweetest, most sincere smile He had ever seen, and in that smile, He saw the genuine appreciation she had for Him in making this sacrifice for her. she knew He was uncomfortable. He always wanted to appear confident and well composed, but on the dance floor, He struggled with this. He hated appearing incompetent and out of control, and this was exactly how He felt. Nonetheless, He had no regrets or misgivings whatsoever thanks to that smile. He had made her happy, and there was nothing more to it. she was such a good girl; she deserved all of this and a lot more. she had given herself to Him, and He had promised to care for her. He was certain she felt cared for this night, and He hoped she would remember it forever.
her eyes sparkled as she looked at Him, thankful for allowing her this experience. she looked into His eyes and He felt as if there was noone else in that crowded room. It was in His mind, as it should be, just the two of them.
He was torn between wanting to stay with her there on the dance floor, as close to her as possible, and wanting to stand back and watch her shine with a dance partner that could keep up with her and let her really cut loose. He wanted to stand back where He could watch those beautiful legs move and those hips sway to the beat of the music, but He couldn't choke down the jealousy He had at the mere thought of someone being this close to her while she was experiencing such joy. He realized how much she would have loved dancing with a more experienced partner, but He just couldn't stand the thought - not even to make her happy. It wasn't about her wanting another man; that thought never even crossed His mind (regardless of how many times she had said women assume a good dancer will also be good in bed). Any dance partner would be no more than a prop for her temporary use and enjoyment. she was completely His, however, and part of being His meant He owned this happiness. It was His, and He refused to allow anyone else near her while she felt this strongly. He wanted to share it with her exclusively.
she smiled the sweetest, most sincere smile He had ever seen, and in that smile, He saw the genuine appreciation she had for Him in making this sacrifice for her. she knew He was uncomfortable. He always wanted to appear confident and well composed, but on the dance floor, He struggled with this. He hated appearing incompetent and out of control, and this was exactly how He felt. Nonetheless, He had no regrets or misgivings whatsoever thanks to that smile. He had made her happy, and there was nothing more to it. she was such a good girl; she deserved all of this and a lot more. she had given herself to Him, and He had promised to care for her. He was certain she felt cared for this night, and He hoped she would remember it forever.
Thank You. Thank You for once again making my dreams come true. Thank You for being brave and strong and confident in Yourself (like You always should be) despite the uncomfortable nature of it all. Thank You for loving me enough to sacrifice Your desire not to do something for my desire to do it. i only hope i am as strong as You the next time You ask me to do something that makes me uncomfortable. i hope to please You and make You as happy as You have made me.
Our night was perfect. i know i said it was near perfect, but that isn't true. It was perfect and only a few things could have added to its perfectocity :)
Thank You again.
Anastasia, at 3:49 PM
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