The "Offer"
I'm having trouble coming up with a response to your message. I can't say that I'm "offering" anything. That implies you have a choice to accept or reject the offer. No, mmpp. When I do make an "offer", you'll know it and there will be no choice involved on your part. Remember last night?
Until then, be a good girl and just be ready to take care of whatever I need, whenever I need it.
Until then, be a good girl and just be ready to take care of whatever I need, whenever I need it.
Bummer. i had hoped it was at least a "trailer" for something to come. And yes, i remember last night. How could i forget?
i am always ready to take care of what You need even if You don't always use/utilize me.
Anastasia, at 10:59 AM
Bummer? I think you misunderstand Me. (A common problem lately for both of us.) I'm not saying last night was or was not a preview of things to come. I'm saying, whatever I do or tell you I want you to do, it won't be an "offer".
As for using/utilizing you, I use/utilize you at My discretion, and that is not for you to question. And don't insult Me by saying you weren't, when that is the clear implication of your statement.
Since you seem to be having trouble holding your tongue today, make sure you don't speak unless spoken to at lunch (from the time you get in a car to leave until you get out of a car upon your return). you will tell Me later if you disobey this instruction. Understood?
Frederick, at 11:10 AM
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